
Chicken Nuggets

 Do you want meat, juicy and tasty, and even so that the recipe is simple and quick? You are welcome! Today we will prepare a dish of American cuisine, which has long been loved all over the world - homemade chicken nuggets. Truly crispy golden crust and the most tender meat inside - you start eating nuggets and it is really impossible to stop. Some kind of mysticism ...

I will not torment with traditional long introductions: for sure you already have something to do on the eve of Easter. Therefore, I will simply say that to prepare this simple and tasty dish, you will need chicken fillet, namely the breast - it will not be dry, do not worry. What to bread with pieces of tender meat is up to you, but I will nevertheless offer my own version below. Cooking chicken nuggets at home - bon apetit, friends!

Chicken Nuggets

Category: snacks

Servings: 6

 Cooking time: 1 hour

 Energy value: total dish - 2481 kcal.

 in 100 grams - 226 kcal.


Chicken breast (700 grams)

Eggs (2 pieces)

Wheat flour (50 grams)

Bread crumbs (150 grams)

Vegetable oil (400 milliliters)

Cooking Salt  (1 teaspoon)

Ground black pepper (1 pinch)

Dried Garlic (1 teaspoon)



Step 1

To prepare homemade nuggets, take chicken breast, eggs, wheat flour of any kind, bread crumbs, refined vegetable oil, dried granulated garlic, salt, and ground black pepper. In addition, you can use any seasoning you like, not just the ones I indicated.


Step 2

So, we cut the chicken breast (without skin and bone, of course) into rather large and not thin pieces. Well, you probably have an idea of ​​what ready-made chicken nuggets look like.


Step 3

Crack medium-sized raw eggs into a small bowl.

Step 4

For now, just actively beating them with a fork to break up the viscous texture of the protein. If you want, you can beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk - even better.


Step 5

Let's prepare the first breading - it will be any kind of wheat flour, dried garlic (or any other seasoning of your choice), salt and ground black pepper. We mix everything.


Step 6

Pour breadcrumbs into other dishes - I have, of course, homemade ones.


Step 7

So, we bread the chicken fillet. First, roll each piece in a flour mixture, shake off the excess.

Step 8

After that, we place the meat in the eggs so that they completely cover the pieces.

Step 9

And immediately roll the chicken fillet in bread crumbs.


Step 10

Thus, we bread all the pieces of chicken, carefully remove the extra crackers so that they do not sprinkle later and do not burn in oil. By the way, such a blank can be frozen on a tray, then, as the pieces freeze, put into a bag and cook as needed.


Step 11

In order to fry chicken nuggets, we need a decent amount of refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil. Pour it into a pan of a suitable size (preferably a narrow and high one so that less oil is consumed), warm it up well. When the oil is warm enough, put the breaded pieces of meat in it. Do not add too much at once so that the nuggets cook evenly. We fry on medium heat until golden brown - about 5 minutes. But I won't tell you the exact time here, if only because I don't know what size your pieces of meat will be and what the temperature of the oil is.


Step 12

Put the finished golden chicken nuggets on paper napkins or a towel so that they absorb the excess oil. Then, in the same way, deep-fry the rest of the breaded chicken fillet pieces.

Step 13

We serve this simple but very tasty appetizer hot, although I personally like chicken nuggets cold. Any sauces of your choice, fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs, side dishes to taste - almost everything is combined with these juicy and at the same time crispy pieces of chicken fillet.


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