Pubg vs cod mobile differences
Are humans born competitive? The answer is yes. It's a psychological effect and by birth, there is a competition, present in every human that exists on this planet. The competition is between humans and is raised due to many reasons, like jealousy from another man. Sometimes this competitive nature of human beings, plays a very positive role in a scene that they try to achieve higher targets and they started thinking out of the box, and they achieve their goals. A very well known mobile game known as player unknown’s battleground or pubg and also call of duty or cod. Both of these games used this competitive nature of humans and earns a lot of money. People play these games, to entertain themselves and especially when they win a match, they feel an internal satisfaction. Both games are competitive. Some of the differences between these two games are bellowed.
PopularityAccording to the latest stats, pubg has 913k concurrent players on their app last month, while on the other hand cod has 450k live players.
Pubg mobile hits 100 million-plus downloads exact number is not mentioned, and if we look on cod mobile 100 million-plus downloads. These figures are based on the play store. But we have to understand one thing here, that pubg mobile has launched at the start of 2017, on the other hand, cod mobile launched on 1st of October 2019. So, here you can analyze both.
Pubg mobile has an overall rating of 4.2 according to the play store, while cod mobile has an overall rating of 4.4.
Lag and overall performance
Lagging in pubg is one of the most common problems while in cod lagging is there but at a very minimal level. Pubg lags because of its large file size. on the other hand in very rare cases cod lags in rare cases because of small file size.
A very few among all pubg players play on high-quality graphics because lagging in-game performance happens, while in case of cod you can play on high-quality graphics because there are rare cases of lagging.
Controls and features of both the games are good but personally, cod is highly recommended, because of the new techniques and technology, used to stabilized its aiming. Both the games have different gaming modes but in modes pubg mobile provides a special feature, of free room in which you can team up and play against other multiple teams.
At the start of 2017, when pubg mobile came into the gaming industry. it spreads like a wildfire and people’s 1st priority is pubg mobile, but over time the competition in the market rises and new games in the market have arrived real competition for pubg mobile starts from 1st of October 2019. The day when the call of duty launched, after the launch of call of duty the trends of the market have changed, and people change their preference from pubg to cod.